about you & your brand
A quote or mantra that speaks to the essence of your work
my story
This is my personal journey into this work.
Whether you feel you have an inspiring personal story to share or not, your reader would love to know more about you.
You might tell her what first moved you to do this work, or the hummingbird path you’ve been on to get to where you are now. You might share some of the pivotal moments that have shaped you, and the truths that you’ve learnt along the way.
You might tell her how you’ve been in her shoes - you know her struggle, and what’s possible for her on the other side.
They say your medicine is often in your wound. If this feels true to you and your work, know that there’s nothing that qualifies you more than your lived experienced of walking through the same fire that your Soulmate Clients are currently experiencing.
my mission
This is my sacred cause in the world.
Tell your reader why you love your work, and why it matters deeply. How does it relate to the bigger causes that you care about? How is your work your own personal form of activism?
Tapping into a bigger cause, and knowing that we are part of a bigger movement, can be such a powerful current for our work.
Whatever it is you stand for - be it a dismantling the patriarchy, saving the planet, or reclaiming our true sovereign nature, know that you are part of the revolution.

my manifesto
Belief One
This is a very flexible section where you can express the values, beliefs, truths, and/or principles that lie at the core of your work.
Belief Two
They say people choose you not for WHAT you do, but WHY you do it. This section is great for helping readers connect to your deeper purpose.
Belief Three
You can structure this section as a long-form manifesto, or you can create 3-6 text boxes like this, with the core belief or value in each title.
Belief Four
Think about your most cherished values; the truths that you stand by; the change you’re fighting for; the core message of your work.
Belief Five
Try to keep each paragraph short and sweet so that they’re easy to read and digest, Extra points if they’re the same length for visual balance!
Belief Six
And if you feel like you’ve already expressed , just delete it or ‘save’ it to use the layout on another page.
What is your heartfelt wish for your reader?
You might describe the gorgeous souls you work with, and the beautiful transformation you’ve witnessed in them. You might tell her you really want that for her too.
Invite her to take the next step with you, be it to explore your offerings, or to book a discovery call.

a bit more about me…
I love…
It’s often the random human details about someone that forges that personal connection. What are the pleasures / people / places / pastimes that make you happy?
I am…
You could go into your typologies (I’m an INFJ + Enneagram 2!), your life roles, gender identity, favourite teams, dearest causes, cultural background, obsessions and pet-peeves…
I dream…
You can of course totally freestyle this section! Change up the titles or layout; add images; write as little or as much as you want. Whatever helps you share more of your gorgeous self.
Your Biography
This is your official ‘3rd-person bio’. It’s a great copy-and-paste section when you’re being featured on other people’s platforms, publications, podcasts, etc.
You can include things like your job title(s), your mission, your offerings, your background and training, your proudest achievements. You may also want to add a few personal tidbits.
Another great reason for having a separate bio section like this is that you can focus on creating an emotional connection with your readers in your main About copy, without worrying about how to weave in all your experience, qualifications and achievements in a natural, unbraggy way!
Depending on the type of work you do, you may want to have a list of:
Your educational training,
Your professional certifications,
and any other courses your’ve taken.
This builds credibility,
while keeping the rest of your About page warm and personal.
If you don’t want a list like this, an image of yourself would work great here as well.